It was appropriate that he chose to be baptized at this place as we all wanted Rusty (my boss, friend) to baptize him, a student Joshua feels has been guiding him spiritually (Billy - see guy looking at little boy) and to have our whole summer camp team around, as well as significant others (friends). It was a great way to end our summer camp season and for Joshua to begin his new journey this year.
This year, he'll begin school at a local university model private christian school and it is a huge leap of financial faith for us. But we really heard Joshua this year as he was able to clearly articulate why he just couldn't be at the public school anymore - faith being a loud concern of his. Art being another. So, Joshua will begin his journey with his baptism - marking his outward sign of his faith and love of Jesus.
So with that in mind, we probably all need some sense of renewal. Most of America (if not all) is currently under one of the longest droughts, highest temps ever and who doesn't need a little renewal to survive the remaining summer months? Some of us need a renewal in our workouts so our body doesn't become complacent. Some of us need a renewal in our spirit as our kids have been home for a few weeks now and may be driving us crazy (not admitting to this one). So here's your renewal challenge:
Start with a 30 minute cardio workout (your choice - find something fun) and then:
1:00 Wall Sit
100 Jumping Jacks
1:00 Plank
100 Sumo Squats
100 Push-Ups
1:00 Wall Sit
100 Crunches
1:00 Plank
then with a 15 lb kettlebell:
100 Deadlifts with High Pull
100 Around-the-Body
100 Snatches
100 Swings
5 minute planks: 1 min full plank, 30 sec each side plank, 1 min full plank with alternating leg lifts (held for 30 sec each), back to 30 sec side planks with dips, finish with 1 min full plank and 25 jumping jacks in plank position.
When your done, you'll either feel renewed (or dead).
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