Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This just in from India.  Her time there is about to wind down so please remain in fervent prayer for her and for safe and uneventful travels home.

                  Had another busy week! Not quite as busy as the week before, but still pretty busy. Tuesday, J’s plans got all changed, so we to a market and bought some cute little souvenirs. It was a market I had never been to, and they had some awesome stuff. I’ll probably go back later this week to look around some more. That night I stayed with H, because J had to leave early the next morning and didn’t get home til after midnight. Poor girl. She’s got so much going on. Wednesday, H and I got pedicures and it was amazing! It was my first pedicure in a while, and it felt so good! So much better than in America and way way cheaper too. That night I went to bible study, and then headed home quickly, because I was feeling a little homesick and I didn’t wanna be out late by myself. Thursday, we went with H and another lady, B to a slum where H does a lot of work. We told stories and gave them henna. I did my very first henna drawing and it really wasn’t half bad. Friday morning we went to the girls’ home and taught them some English. We taught them to count and taught them a few letters in the alphabet. They learned very quickly. I was very impressed with how well they did. One girl, we will not get to see again, which made me very sad. She was a very sweet girl, but she told me she missed her mom very much and was excited to go home, so I was happy for her, even though I selfishly, wanted to spend more time with her. After that, we went to another slum, one we normally work in. We were locked out of the room we are normally in, so we had to shift to a new place and share with them. The girls were still very excited to see us and learn which made me so happy. I got to give more henna, and I just got better and better. By no means, am I good, I just wasn’t as bad as I expected haha.
                  Saturday, we got up early and went with our Friend, R to her village. It was so beautiful!! Her family was so sweet. Her sister was the only one in the family to speak English, so I was able to talk to her a little bit, and R’s mom invited me to R’s marriage. I was so happy! Sunday morning, we got up and went to another little slum a few minutes up the road for church. It was in a small cramped room in someone’s house, and we were very squished and hot and sweaty, but it was well worth it. The people in that room were worshipping God with all their hearts and it was so inspiring to see. That night, we were on the roof and R and I had a good chat. We talked about God and about our beliefs. I told her and J about our house flooding when I was little, which is something very personal and emotional for me. It was good to talk about it and share with them some of my background and my spiritual growth.  This morning, we got up very early and rode the bus back to Delhi. It was about an hour and a half to a two hour ride, and we had to stand the entire time…not fun, but we survived haha.  When we got home, I was surprised with the best video ever on my facebook wall!! It absolutely made my day, seeing my Servant Team family! They are the absolute best and I am so blessed to have them. Later, while I was taking a nap, I got a package of movies, beef jerky and grape jelly! It made me so so happy, since there is no jerky or grape jelly here. I made a pb&j sandwich, and it was definitely the best sandwich I’ve ever had! Later, J and I went and bought fabric to get some dresses made, bought Dr. Pepper and got our ears pierced. J wanted to get her second hole and I had wanted to get my rook pierced. It was kinda on a whim. We really just went in to look at prices, but came out with piercings haha. Here to pierce something, they just push the earring through, so it’s not anything quick and easy and mine was on a thick part of my ear, so it hurt pretty bad, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It was a very busy week, but a good week. The next 2 weeks will be even busier, since J is getting ready to leave too. Please keep her in your prayers. She has been a little sick and is very stressed with how much she has to do. Thank you for all the support and prayers! 143

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