Monday, October 29, 2012

Gearing up for Route 66 Marathon & Half

If you have been paying half attention to my blog or my facebook, then you know that I'm in love with the Route 66 Marathon & Half.  Last year, was our first year to run it and I was smitten from the moment we picked up our packet but was in deep love when we crossed the finish line.  For a full review of the event, you can check out my review here.

One of the things I do before an event, is tweak my playlist.  Yes, I'm one of those runners who love the high tech gear but I just happen to be on a super low budget.  I use my iPhone to track my runs on endomondo and for my music.  I simply cannot run without music.  Even if I have to only use one earphone (which I often do during biking or running so I can hear traffic), I have to have the music.

The music helps me focus and when I get into longer mileage, my body starts aching and my brain will tell me to stop, but the music is able to drain all that from my mind.

I also have the added responsbility (aka joy) of putting together my Perfect Pacer's run list  - it is completely different then mine.  I think we might actually share 7 songs this time ( a record high!  Maybe my excellent taste in pop culture is rubbing off?)   I overpack my list - right now, it is set for 4 hours of music while Perfect Pacer does a loop set - maybe an hour at the most on the original list.

The songs we share in common are:
Youth of a Nation - P.O.D.
Calling All Angels - Train
My Hero - Foo Fighters
Ali in the Jungle - The Hours
Dog Days are Over - Florence and the Machine
My Body - Young and the Giants
Manifesto - The City Harmonics (christian)

Here's another snap shot of my playlist (don't judge me): 

Obviously this is just a section of my insanely too long play list.  It is a smattering of what makes me move, what inspires me and what reminds me of a special story, a special time or a favorite memory.  They all help drown out the pain the body may encounter and usually help me connect with my God.  

I told my Perfect Pacer that Manifesto by City Harmonic made me feel like I am flying when I run because I mentally leave myself.  Do you have music that makes that happen to you?  Do you obsess about your favorite event in the days leading up to it?  

BTW, my run list got me through my first 10 mile run since my 65 mile bike ride a week ago.  Booyah!

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