This year, I'm extremely sappy. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm menopausal. Maybe I'm just finally being emotionally vulerable.
There hasn't been a day that I haven't driven to work this past week or two, that I haven't gotten all teary eyed thinking of all my blessings.
I know we each probably acknowledge our abundance of blessings; however, I am pragmatic and a realistic and rarely ever get sappy over anything. The exception is funerals of close family members, weddings of my children and....birth of my grandchild. But other then that, I'm pretty much all business.
I have found myself crying at the stupidest stuff tho - a song that makes me think of my true love, a song that makes me think of all my blessings, a picture my youngest drew, the thought of loss of my dad, and so much more. I'm pretty sure I'm just menopausal but I'm enjoying the moment of realization as it happens.
Except when it happened in Target the other day. When I was buying a stupid PJ bottom.
Or when it happened when I ran 12 miles alone today. Maybe I was just lonely. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I was able to run, I enjoy the moment with God or that I finally might like myself a little itty bit.
Anyway, with Christmas 48 hours or less away, I want to acknowledge (and bore you ) with my blessings:
My Best Friend, Soul Mate, Perfect Pacer, One & Only.
My Kids - all of them - the Oldest, the Middle and the Boy.
The GrandBaby.
The Extended Family - from SIL (BFF), to SILS, BILs, MILs, and Ms.
My Jobs. I don't only get one job that I absolutely adore which blesses me more then I could ever count but I get two. AWESOME!
Those material positions - house, vehicles, food, dogs, etc.
Memories from the past year - the training runs, the Retreats & Camps, the running events, the multiple date nights, the family nights & game nights, the travels and adventures that we've had together as a family.
The memories of those we've lost.
The year was full of highlights:
There was the Austin Cap10K - which is one of my faves! |
I had a child turn 11 and a child turn 18. |
Our Baby Zoe had multiple border collies puppies which were amazing little puppies. Thankfully, we found them awesome homes. |
Multiple Awesome date nights with the Perfect Pacer |
Joshua's first school play! |
I mentioned the multiple birthdays - right? |
I survived another year of water wars and summer camp season! |
And we got to have our first family vacay in 5 years!! |
I surprised Perfect Pacer with a somewhat awesome adventure trip (I probably enjoyed it more then he did if truth be told). |
The Middle Child graduated from HS. And all the Grams came for the event. |
I couldn't resist putting another pic of the PP! This is at Middle Child's graduation. |
The Oldest married. |
We ran another 10K. Go HEB - they allowed us in their celebration area and that was awesome! |
the Boy moved onto Boy Scouts. |
We reconnected with Besties at the annual reunion. |
And got to run with new friends. |
Perfect Pacer & I jumped completely out of the box. And completed our first ever 65 mile bike ride for LiveStrong, in memory of my dad. After only 3 bike training runs totaling 25 miles. This is not recommended.
We celebrated our 23rd anniversary in true Jackson style. |
I got invited to my first Blogger meetup, Tweetup and began my own freelance Social Media Marketing Co. for Fashion. #BudgetFashionistasrule |
We ran another Route 66 Half Marathon - complete with family cheering us on. |
And, I (and Perfect Pacer) will celebrate the fact that I will soon connect with my biological brother (I'm adopted). Perfect Pacer and I wish you all amazing blessings this coming year. |
This is us - wishing you an awesomely amazing Christmas. Remember, it is about His gift and not the earthly ones, that will carry you through your 2013. |
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