Friday, June 3, 2011


Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner - exactly who wants to win a chicken dinner anyway?  Usually those are fried and we all know what fried food does for an athlete's body!  Ugh.

Definitely better then Chicken Dinner Winner, we do have the winner of the great Road ID!

Would Ellen Holley please stand up and take a bow?  (seriously though, you have to email me so I can get your info to the great and powerful giveaway peeps). Or you can FB message me - whatever is easiest!

Yesterday was our 22nd Anniversary.  I'm grateful that God knows better then me (or the other naysayers in my life) that my husband was my perfect match.  For our anniversary, I spent most of the night with clients and then a quick 4 mile run but we did end up at a local little grill (that we have run by a few dozen times) for a beverage and dinner (at 10 pm).

The kitchen was closed but they all seemed to know who we were - they were super friendly and introduced themselves and then proceeded to share how they watch us run every night (almost) by their place.  We are "the runners".  It probably helped that we were still in our running gear.  I dare them to recognize us when we are in real people clothes!!

Today we launch a new project - Aarons' Kids.  This is a project that we felt really could take our running to a different level.  Jackson (my husband's nickname - yes, I know it is his last name, I never claimed to be clever) wanted a better reason for crossing the finish line at the November San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon  then the gratification of finishing and the super cool 26.2 sticker we get to put on our cars. 

Our nephew Aaron is in the marines and is currently deployed in Afghanistan.  We have sent a few boxes with personal items for him and a lot of toys for the children he has encountered there.  Here's an excerpt from one of his recent letters home to his beloved:

 "i feel so bad for the people out here. most of them are just good people farming to put food on the table. i look at the kids and i see joao (a boy he sends $ to in Africa). my heart hurts for them. i would give them all i have if my command would let me. i gave a small boy a bottle of water and a protein bar and he teared up like it was the first meal he's had in weeks. he ran into his house and brought me out a flower. i put it in my grenade pouch and it's still there. no matter how different life is for people, one thing remains the same, everyone needs love and everyone has love to give if they search deep enough" .

We have launched a FB page called Aarons' Kids and ask that everyone that has a heart for children, whether they run or not, "like" it.  We will soon be linking a paypal donation account to this blog so that those who want can donate.  We are asking for donations in the amount of $26 (because that's equivalent to our 26.2 mile we will finish).  It takes about $13 to ship a box over and we will fill them to the brim with granola bars, toys, and homemade cookies for Aaron and his troop to share with the children.  We will chronicle the project on a blog site dedicated to the project.

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