Long Runs often cause my brain to go into a zone that organizes many of my thoughts and helps me figure out answers to life questions. Long Runs also keep me in touch with Christ as I spend a lot of time in reflection, meditation and focused on hearing Him instead of talking to Him. But this mornings long run was different.
I had to split my run today as my hubs is having some pretty bad Plantar Faschitis flareup affecting his long run. In order to get in my confidence runs - I've split them in half - he usually joins me for the 2nd half. So the first half, I spent on the treadmill and my mind soon began to ask to quit.
But my thoughts went to friends who are also training for the same event and I kept going. Thanks friends. But my thoughts did go to Race preparation.
I've spent months reading every article, FB post, etc about race prep, gear, fuel, etc. I've always had a plan and I even anticipate the jitters as I begin to taper. So here's my plan:
1. I will not carbo load the night before. I know it sounds weird but I know my body. And if I go to the start feeling bloated from the night before, my run will suffer greatly. I'd rather go light and add fuel throughout the run. But I will definitely carbo load 2 - 3 days before hand and my last carbo meal will be Saturday morning (pancakes, anyone?).
2. I will do my last long runs in my race gear - my Team Beef running shirt, shorts, socks, etc. These next few runs will definitely determine which shoes will make it to the start line (I have 2 in rotation and love the equally). I will stuff my SPIbelt with my fuel gels, as well as try to master my gps system.
5. I will keep my eye on the prize:
And since not everyone I know wants my marathon training program for themselves, I'm sharing this little workout for this upcoming week. We recently became a part of the Spartan Street Team and so I'm promoting their workouts - this is one of my favorites:
2 mile run
200 lunges
100 pushups
4 mile run
200 body weight squats
100 burpees
4 mile run
Your a beast!!!
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